At this time really hard to earn money online for normal people like you and me. For earning online you have to learn some skills like app development web design, graphic design, and photo editing.
If you really want to earn some income then I will tell you one application where you can generate income by referring friends.
MyPay is an application where you can make money online by just sharing your referral link with your friends. If you have big friends circle then it's easy to earn money online using the MyPay application
Firstly, you have to download the mypay application to earn money online. Simply go to the play store or app store and download the MyPay application on your device.
Now open the application and click on the signup button and fill up all the information and create a strong password for MyPay application.
If you want to fill KYC form then you can do it or if you don't want to do it. it's totally on you.
MyPay application is an online wallet just like esewa or khalti application which is the most popular application in Nepal for Topup, Electricity bills payment, Domestic flight ticket booking, and movie ticket booking.
What is MyPay application?
What are the Best features of MyPay application?
- It just charges Rs 1 to move cash from the wallet to any bank.
- It has referred and earned offers.
- It has the most noteworthy Cashback for Flight Tickets which is at present 3-6% (The most elevated among all suitable wallets in Nepal).
- It additionally has 3% cashback for Versatile Top-up for all organizations.
Good website